A Space For You To Be


I’m Victoria & I’m so happy you’re here.

I created Embodied Life to support and inspire people to create a life that is in alignment with who they are and who they want to become.

I am passionate about meeting people where they are at without judgement. Life can be challenging and complicated, and I whole-heartedly understand the need to feel seen, truly heard, understood and loved unconditionally. With all of my clients, my intention is to reflect these things back to them, so they can build upon the courage to be who they are (and learn to love who they are), unconditionally.

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My goal is to not only support you and guide you in our sessions, but to provide you with tools and education to support you in all aspects of your life.

I truly believe that everyone has an infinite capacity for healing and change.

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Remote Counselling & Coaching

Located on the Sunshine Coast, in Beautiful British Columbia

Monday & Thursday
2pm - 5 pm

2pm - 4pm

(604) 740-1332


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